

郭斯凡  博士,硕士生导师

博士毕业于英国诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham)建筑学专业,目前主要从事中外建筑史、建筑设计的教学与科研工作。研究方向为资源型城市更新、旧工业用地再利用、工矿城镇区人居环境更新策略、工矿城镇文旅产业发展规划等领域的研究。


2023.12-2027.11 国家重点研发课题“工矿城镇生产—生活—生态空间优化与系统修复技术”之子课题“工矿城镇区人居环境评估(国家科技部,主持)

2022.12-2024.12 基于压煤村庄搬迁移民文化需求的高适配度公共开放空间优化策略研究(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,主持)

2022.06-2024.12 成武县汶上集镇牛老家等四村压煤搬迁选址及规划研究(企业委托项目,主持)

2022.05-2024.12 济宁市高新区郭营、史营、后韩和前韩村压煤村庄搬迁选址和规划研究(企业委托项目,主持)

2023.11-2027.12 采煤沉陷区大型工程建设利用基础理论与关键技术(国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与)

2022.11-2024.08 基于POE的徐州新型农民居住社区评价模型构建及优化策略研究(徐州市科技项目,参与)

2023.07-2024.12 郑州振中电熔新材料有限公司和特种食品公司建(构)筑物斑裂因果关系技术鉴定研究(地方政府委托项目,参与)

2023.03-2024.08  开滦宏丰公司红树梁矿采煤对大圐圙梁村袁树峁社和刘家沟社采动影响预测及损害鉴定研究(地方政府委托项目,参与)

2017.02-2018.08 Analysis of the design solution for a new visitor center and evaluation of the visitor experience at the renewed and refurbished Lincoln Cathedral, UK (Funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund)

2017.01-2017.12 Dinosaurs of China: Ground Shakers to Feathered Flyers (Funded by Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, University of Nottingham, and Nottingham City Council)

2016.04-2016.05  The CPD Training Program of Natural History Curatorship (Organized by Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and University of Nottingham)


Guo S, Zheng X. Research on the welcoming experience of the museum's arrival space[J]. Museum Management and Curatorship, 2022: 1-17.

Guo S, Zheng X, Heath T. Research on the Design of Community Museums Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(17): 10802.

Guo S. The welcoming experience of the arrival space in museums[D]. University of Nottingham, 2022.

Guo S. The Impact of Accessibility of Local Museums on the Visiting Experience under the Intelligent Design Framework[C]//2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID). IEEE, 2021: 476-481.

Zheng X, Heath T, Guo S*. From Maslow to Architectural Spaces: The Assessment of Reusing Old Industrial Buildings[J]. Buildings, 2022, 12(11): 2033.




新闻来源:建筑与设计学院作者:摄影:责任编辑: 审核:
