

Paulina Schiappacasse


1988年毕业于智利大学获地理学专业学士,1998年于智利大学获得城市和区域规划硕士,同年获得智利天主教会大学城市经济学硕士,2007年获得德累斯顿工业大学地理学博士学位。1997-2012在智利大学建筑和城市规划学院地理系助理教授,自2005德累斯顿工业大学环境科学学院高级研究员,2005-2019 德累斯顿工业大学空间发展规划系高级讲师,2010-2020 德累斯顿莱布尼茨博士研究生院项目主管,自20239月 中国矿业大学建筑与设计学院教授。长期致力于城市可持续发展与规划、城市扩张、社会融合等方面的研究。

Educational Background

  • Dr. rer. nat., Technische Universität Dresden, 2007

  • Diploma in Human Settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, University of Chile-

  • Economic Commission for Latin America, United Nations, 2000

  • Diploma in Urban Economics, Faculty of Economics, Catholic University of Chile, 1998

  • Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Chile, 1998

  • Bachelor in Geography, University of Chile, 1988

Academic and Consulting Experience

  • Professor, Department of Urban and Rural Planning. School of Architecture and Urban Design, China University of Mining, since 2023.

  • Senior Researcher, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), Dresden, since 2005.

  • Senior Lecturer, International Postgraduate Training Programme on Environmental Management for Developing and Emerging Countries, UNEP/UNESCO/BMU, Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM), Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, since 2009.

  • Scientific Coordinator of the Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS), 2010-2020.

  • Senior Lecturer. Chair of Spatial Development, Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden), Dresden, 2005-2019.

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies,University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1997-2012.

  • Independent consultant to the Ministry of Education for the Curricula Reform Process in Chile, 2003.

  • Coordinator Chilean-German University Network. University of Chile, 2000-2003.

  • Professor, Department of Geographical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Santiago, Santiago de Chile, 1999-2003. 2

  • Expert member of the Geography Commission to Elaborate the National University Test.Catholic University of Chile, 2002

  • Professor, School of Ecotourism, Andres Bello University, Santiago de Chile, 2000-2002

  • Assistant Professor, Master Program in Geography, University of San Juan, Argentina, 1999-2000

  • Consultant to the Santiago Metropolitan Government for the Development of a Metropolitan Sustainable Master Plan (in the OTAS Project, conducted in coordination with GTZ),Chile, 2000-2001

  • Consultant to “Oceano Publishing House”, Barcelona for the publication of the “Encyclopedia of Chile”, 1998

  • Consultant to the Ministry of Housing for the Precarious National Dwellings Cadaster in Chile, 1996-1997

  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies,University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1995-1999

  • CADE-IDEPE Engineering & Consulting. Environmental and Social Impact Assessments consulting services, including assessments, EIA reports, mitigation and planning strategies,1993

  • Consultant to GESAM-Chile and Ecology and Environment, Buffalo-USA for the environmental impact assessment of the Pangue reservoir construction in the Biobío Basin, Chile, 1991

  • Researcher and Participant in the Chilean 1990/91 Expedition to Antarctica, Livingstone Island, Summer 1990/1991

  • Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1987-1994

Selected Research Projects (since 2014)

  • Cooperation for Sustainable Urbanization. Managing Urban Expansion in Asia. The Case of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetakek) in Indonesia. Financed by The Humboldt Foundation, co-researcher, 2020 - 2022.

  • TRANS-URBAN-EU-China. Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China-Urban-EU-China. European Union Horizon 2020, coresearcher, 2017-2020

  • Management of Mineral Resource extraction in Hoa Binh Province. A contribution to Sustainable Development in Vietnam. Financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany., co-researcher, 2014-2017

  • Advanced manufacturing – why the city matters. Perspectives for international development cooperation. Chair of Spatial Development/German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) for GIZ/BMZ, co-researcher, 2014

  • Urban and regional resilience – a practical assessment. Chair of Spatial Development, Dresden University of Technology, Project Coordinator, 2013-2014 3

Experience in International Academic Cooperation

  • Germany – Indonesia (Universitas Pembangunan Jaya). Joint Master Seminar Program and student exchange. Topic: The private city: opportunities and challenges. September 2019

  • Germany-Slovakia (Slovak Technical University). Joint Master Seminar Program and student exchange. Topic: Revitalization of Obchdna Street, Bratislava. September 2018

  • Germany-Japan (Nagoya University). Joint Master Seminar Program and student exchange.Topic: Urban development and Environmental Risk Management. The case of Tsushima, Japan. September 2016

  • Germany – Latvia (University of Latvia.) Joint Master Seminar Program and student exchange. Topic: Demographic Change and Urban Development in European countries: New Challenges ahead. August 2014 and August 2015

  • Germany-Turkey (Ankara University). Joint Master Seminar Program and student exchange.Topic: Cities on the way to sustainability. Sungurlu, Turkey. May, 2013

  • Germany – Vietnam (National University) Joint Summer School on Environmental Planning, Land Use and Monitoring. Hanoi, October 2011

  • Germany-Slovakia (Slovak Technical University). Joint Summer School: A metropolis with agreen heart y. Bratislava, July 2009

  • Germany–USA (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio), long-term cooperation and student exchange (joint student projects). 2005 to 2012

  • Chilean-German University Network (in cooperation with GTZ). Coordinator of a postgraduate training course on Planning for Metropolitan Areas, Santiago de Chile. August 2002

Selected Publications (since 2015)

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller, M. Jiang. 2021. Sustainable Urban Expansion: Lessons from Three Cases in Europe. China City Planning Review 30 (4).

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller, J. Cai. 2021. Towards a Common Understanding of Socially Integrative Cities in Europe and China. In book: Towards Socially Integrative Cities, Perspectives on Urban Sustainability in Europe and China. MDPI

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller, J. Cai, E. Ma. 2021. Managing Urban Expansion in Europe: New Impulses for People Centred Development in China? In book: Towards Socially Integrative Cities, Perspectives on Urban Sustainability in Europe and China. MDPI

  • Muller, B., P. Schiappacasse, J. Liu, J. Cai, H-M. Neumann, B. Yang. 2021. Urban Sustainability and Social Integration in Cities in Europe and China – An Introduction. In book: Towards Socially Integrative Cities, Perspectives on Urban Sustainability in Europe and China. MDPI

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller, L.T Linh, P. Wirth. 2020. Construction Aggregates and Environmental Policy Integration in a One-Party State. The Case of Hoa Binh, Vietnam. Sustainability 12 (17), 6890.

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller, T.L. Braekov. 2019. Planned new urban expansion areas in Europe. The role of technological innovation in enhancing living environments. In: The Future of Cities. Edited by B. Stojkov. Academy of Engineering Sciences in Serbia, University of Belgrade. 4

  • Schiappacasse, P. B. Müller., L.T Linh. 2019. Towards Responsible Aggregate Mining in Vietnam. Resources, 8, 138.

  • Müller, B., P. Schiappacasse, S. Rößler et al., 2018.D 3.1 Report on the current framework and situation of urban renewal, urban expansion as well as land management and banking (incl. land administration) in China and Europe. TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA Research Project.

  • Müller, B., P. Schiappacasse et al., 2018. D 6.6 Workshop Report on “Theoretical aspects of transition towards urban sustainability and the role of socially integrative cities”. TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA Research Project.

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller. 2018. One fits all? Resilience as a multipurpose concept in regional and environmental development. Raumforsch Raumordnung Spat Res Plan 76:51-64.

  • Schiappacasse, P. 2018. Operationalizing urban resilience. Learning from the pas while preparing for the future. The case of Dresden, Germany. Chapter 17. In: Towards the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Springer.

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller. 2018. Identifying Gaps and Opportunities for Research on Urban and Regional Resilience – Highlighting the advantages of research cooperation. Chapter 17. In: Towards the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Springer.

  • Schiappacasse, P., B. Müller. 2016. Green Infrastructure as a Source of Urban and Regional resilience – Towards Institutional Challenges. Urbani izziv 26 [Online]

  • Müller, B., P. Schiappacasse. Advanced manufacturing – why the city matters. Perspectives for international development cooperation. In: Müller, B., O. Herzog. Industry 4.0 and urban development. The case of India. acatech Materialien, 2015.

  • Müller, B., P. Schiappacasse. 2015. Was heißt hier resilient?! LandInform 2/2015:14-15.

Selected Presentations/Participation in Congresses and Workshops (since 2015)

  • Socially Integrative Cities: From concept to policy implementation. AAAS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, February 15 2020

  • City and regional planning: Guiding development in metropolitan areas? International

  • Summer School “Urban strangulation: constricted cities in a rapid private urban development”, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2, 2019

  • Towards the socially integrative city: inputs from the literature and policy review. Transurban EU-China Project Meeting Workshop on Theoretical aspects of transition towards urban sustainability and the role of socially integrative cities. Beijing, September 6, 2018

  • Regional planning for aggregate mining in fast growing countries. The Case of Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. Humboldt Kolleg in Indonesia. Jakarta, July 25 2017

  • Business Policy Interface (BPI) as a Platform for the Responsible Management of the Extraction of Aggregates: The Case of Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. Dresden Nexus Conference. Dresden, May 17, 2017

  • Regional planning for aggregate mining in fast growing countries. The Case of Hia Binh Province, Vietnam. Humboldt Kolleg in Indonesia. Jakarta, July 25 2017

  • Business Policy Interface (BPI) as a Platform for the Responsible Management of the Extraction of Aggregates: The Case of Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam. Dresden Nexus Conference. Dresden, May 17, 2017

  • Resilience to environmental risk in the Andean Piedmont. The case of Santiago de Chile. International Congress on Green Urban Futures. Mountain and the City. New Delhi, 9-10February 2017

  • Development of a Business Policy Interface (BPI) for the sustainable management of aggregates ‘extraction. Workshop on Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability Experimental Smartness. Dresden, Germany, October 6, 2016

  • Business-Policy Interface as a discussion platform for promoting the sustainable management of aggregate’s extraction. MAREX PROJECT Workshop: Management der Gewinnung mineralischer Ressourcen in der Provinz Hoa Bihn – Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwiklung in Vietnam. Dresden, Germany June 27, 2016

  • Urban and regional resilience- scoping gaps and opportunities for research. Open Seminar: Towards sustainability and resilient urban planning. Nagoya, October 25, 2015

  • Planning green infrastructure as a source for urban and regional resilience – institutional challenges. Spa-ce.net Conference on Green Infrastructure. Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 28, 2015.

Refereeing of Projects and Papers Evaluator of projects and papers for the following institutions and journals:

  • Journal of Building Research and Information, London

  • Sustainability, open access journal from MDPI

  • Land, open access journal from MDPI

  • Remote Sensing from MDPI

  • Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT-CHILE)

  • Revista Notas de Población. CELADE-División de Población de la CEPAL. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

  • Revista de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Arturo Prat Iquique, Chile.

  • Raumforschung und Raumordnung (RuR) / Spatial Research and Planning. Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ARL), Hannove

新闻来源:建筑与设计学院作者:摄影:责任编辑: 审核:
