Bernhard Mueller
1979年毕业于德国美因茨大学,获地理学和数学学士学位,1983年获美因茨大学地理学博士学位,之后在汉诺威大学任助理教授,1993年毕业于汉诺威大学获空间规划方向博士学位。1993年-2019年任德累斯顿工业大学空间发展规划系主任,自1997年同时担任德国德累斯顿莱布尼茨生态空间规划研究院院长, 2005年被聘为德国国家科学与工程院院士、萨克森州科学院院士和德国空间研究与规划学会(ARL)成员。自2023年9月受聘为中国矿业大学卓越教授,在建筑与设计学院城乡规划系任职。长期致力于城市和区域可持续发展与空间规划、生态转型等方面的研究。
Education and Training
1993 Habilitation (Dr. rer. hort. habil.) in Spatial Development, University of Hannover
1979-1983 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Geography, University of Mainz
1975-1979 Study of Geography and Mathematics, University of Mainz
Fields of Research
Sustainable urban, rural and regional planning and development
Tools and methods of spatial development
Governance and integrative urban and rural development
Challenges of demographic change
Revitalisation of cities and regions
Sustainable structural transformation
European integration
International development cooperation
Work Experience
Since September 2023 Distinguished Professor at China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), Xuzhou, China
Since July 2019 Senior Professor at Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Faculty of Environmental Sciences (honorary position); German Coordinator of the project “Cooperation for Sustainable Urbanisation” (CfSU) with the Indonesian Universitas Pembangunan Jaya (UPS), Jakarta, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), Bonn, Germany (until June 2024)
Since 1994 Lecturer in the TUD International UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV Programme of the Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM)
2022 Guest Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, China
2018-2021 Project Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project “Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China”
1997-2019 Director, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) 1993-2019 Professor, Chair of Spatial Development, Technische Universität Dresden
2008-2019 Head of the Management Board of the Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS)
2008-2014 Director of the Dresden Project on Adaptation to Climate Change (REGKLAM)
2004-2010 Vice President of the Leibniz Association
1988-1992 Project Leader, GTZ (German Technical Cooperation, now GIZ)
1979-1993 Research Associate / Assistant Professor, University of Hanover
1979-1983 Doctoral candidate, University of Mainz
1978-1979 Research Assistant, University of Mainz
2004 Honorary doctoral degree (Dr. h.c.) from Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
2006 AESOP European Excellence in Teaching Prize (Association of European Schools of Planning)
2015-2016 Member of UN-Habitat III (Quito 2016) Policy Unit 6 on Urban Spatial Strategies: Land Market and Segregation
Since 2009 Member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences (SAW)
Since 2005 Member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Since 2005 International Member of the Serbian Academy for Engineering Sciences
Since 1996 Member of the Academy for Spatial Development (ARL), Hanover